
Reiki is a bridge between ancient traditions of healing and modern science.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a very simple but powerful Japanese technique for natural stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing by helping the body to balance itself.  The practice was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1922 and is appropriate for all ages from infancy to the elderly and animals. Reiki is a compliment to traditional medicine and is used in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice programs.   Reiki is administered by placing hands in a series of positions on the body, in a non-intrusive way, to open up the energy pathways.   The Reiki practitioner is a conduit to facilitate the flow of energy through the practitioner, not from the practitioner and the client always receives exactly what is needed.

What to Expect in a Session:

During a Reiki session, the individual remains fully clothed.  Treatment may be given while relaxing on a massage table, sitting in a chair or standing.  The practitioner gently places his or her hands in different positions on the body to facilitate the flow of energy.  People generally feel relaxed and may fall asleep.  Others may experience warmth, coolness, or tingling sensations during the session.  The experience is different for each person.

                                             Reiki ‘meets you’ where you are.

60 Minute Session  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $85
45 Minute Session  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $70
30 Minute Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $50                                                     

Distance Reiki – $45
30 minute mutually agreed upon time 
to share Reiki when the client will be asked to relax in a seated or prone position. I will perform the distance Reiki for the agreed upon time and we can connect via phone after the session. 

Reiki Re-Attunement – $85
For Reiki Practitioners – An Individual Attunement for Reiki practitioners to balance, 
support and strengthen their deepening connection to Reiki.

Healing Attunement – $85
One hour session that includes a short meditation, Reiki Healing Attunement with the identification of the area requiring Reiki and a 40-minute Reiki session.  

Reiki Sharing Sessions – $20
This is a wonderful opportunity for Reiki practitioners to share their experiences with time for hands-on Reiki with other practitioners.   

Reiki Level I Training- $200
his is a 6-hour training session covering the background and history of Reiki.   It also includes instruction in the subtle energy systems of the body, hands positions for self-treatment and the treatment for others, First Degree Reiki Attunement.  You will be given a manual and further information to guide and inspire you.

Reiki Level II Training- $350                                                                           
This is a 6-hour training session covering how to send Reiki over distance and time, Reiki II symbols to enhance the Reiki healing process and Second Degree Reiki Attunement.  You will be given a manual to guide and support you.
*** $500 for combined Reiki I & II training